If you have been following this story, you must be wondering now, what happened on that boat ride to St. Maarten? Did she get the guy?
So where did we leave off in Part 1...oh yeah I remember now.
I was walking along wondering if this mystery man with the killer smile would ask for the digits. Typically when I am catching the ferry I’m on a serious NY hustle, and the pier is but a mere few seconds walk, but not today. I managed to stroll along side of him as we chatted and discovered we were both from the village of South Hill, literally just down the street from each other. We laughed at the notion of how is it possible that I have been passing his house for years and we have never met. He swears he remembers my aunt passing his house when he was younger with a light skinned girl in her car, I'm not convinced it was me.
What I do believe though is that nothing happens before its time.
As we boarded the boat I went ahead of him, as he had to deal with bringing his bike on board, to my usual spot, down below in the lower cabin, so I can find a seat, stretch my legs, close my eyes and prepare myself to relax for the short 20 minute boat ride. Just as I stretched my legs across the seat, my mystery guy appeared with his bike. I tried not to look I couldn't dare let him see the sudden uncontrolled excitement that came over me, that would just make me look desperate. Right?
He settled in a seat across the aisle from me, in perfect eye view but by this time I had pretended to have my head down nestled between the crease of my folded arm which I rested on the seat in front of me. With everyone settled, the boat started and we were on our way. I was not prepared for what happened next.
Throughout the journey I would sneak peeks through my fingers to see what my mystery guy was doing. What I saw you probably won't believe me but here it is. At first I thought I was daydreaming in Hi Def. I took a double take, rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly between my fingers which now seemed glued to my face.
My mystery guy took his shirt off, revealing the smoothest, golden brown skin, a washboard stomach and chiseled arms...oh my..what's a girl to do.....keep peeking, of course!
He began to unbuckle his belt, pull his zipper down, and removed his pants to reveal.........wait for it, wait for it………Yeah, you’ll just have to wait until next week!!! Thanks for reading!