Here’s some of the gifts that I have given to my mother and how I think about them:
Flowers – My mother loves flowers but I could never find the right flower that demonstrates how rare and beautiful my mother is.
Rubies – My mother’s birthstone and one of her favorites gems. But yet, there is no gem unique and brilliant enough that shines as bright in a crowd as my mother does.
Perfume – Aaahh, I used to love shopping on my mother’s dressing table to put on some of the most exotic and sweetest smells. I have searched for a perfume, for my mother, with the perfect combination of sweet and spicy just like her. My mother is a sweetheart but watch out that tongue of hers can be sharp, quick and loaded with spice.
Music – My mother has an eclectic taste for music and will listen to a variety of genres. She has always appreciated and enjoyed the albums that I have chosen for her. The best music, which I do not know how to capture, is the sound of her voice cheering you in the crowd “that’s my daughter, Yes, Tami, I know you could do it!”, the voice that supports you in your endeavors no matter how half-baked they may seem.
Clothes – For those of you that know my mom, my MOM is a DIVA, and still can teach me fashion tips. And what piece of clothing can truly embrace her and cover her with the same love in the same manner that she has done for her children, none that I know.
So this Mother’s Day, I put my fingers to the keyboard, swiped cursor across the screen and dug deep to express how much my mother truly means to me. She is more than any gift or card that I have purchased. She is my mom. I love her! And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I love you Mommy!